Adult Classes


Our instructors are experts at adjusting lessons to accommodate a wide range of abilities, from hesitant adults who have been inactive to athletic types who are looking to push their boundaries.  Their lessons are planned out weeks in advance so you’re not learning random techniques, and have built in pathways to either take it up or down a notch for each individual.  

Beginner classes consist of an even mix of grappling and parkour, and it takes the average adult 12-18 months to graduate to the next level.  But probably after 4 weeks, you’ll already see major transformations!

A healthier, more useful body

Burn calories learning how to be more mobile while putting less impact on your joints. Your body will not only feel better, it will function better.

Stretching for the mind

We focus on adaptation instead of muscle memory. This improves mental flexibility so you don’t become the old dog that can’t learn new tricks.

Release Stress. Build Toughness.

Sometimes you just need to hit something. We’re there to hone that into practical skills and mental fortitude.

Caring community

We teach a community-based system that breeds a culture of adventurous, caring individuals!

Help underprivileged kids

Tuition is used to help underprivileged youth train Guardian Art too!  And, members can volunteer to further make an impact on at-risk children through our outreach programs.  

Adult Classes


Our instructors are experts at adjusting lessons to accommodate a wide range of abilities, from hesitant adults who have been inactive to athletic types who are looking to push their boundaries.  Their lessons are planned out weeks in advance so you’re not learning random techniques, and have built in pathways to either take it up or down a notch for each individual.  

Beginner classes consist of an even mix of grappling and parkour, and it takes the average adult 12-18 months to graduate to the next level.  But probably after 4 weeks, you’ll already see major transformations!

A healthier, more useful body

Burn calories learning how to be more mobile while putting less impact on your joints. Your body will not only feel better, it will function better.

Stretching for the mind

We focus on adaptation instead of muscle memory. This improves mental flexibility so you don’t become the old dog that can’t learn new tricks.

Release Stress. Build Toughness.

Sometimes you just need to hit something. We’re there to hone that into practical skills and mental fortitude.

Caring community

We teach a community-based system that breeds a culture of adventurous, caring individuals!

Help underprivileged kids

Tuition is used to help underprivileged youth train Guardian Art too!  And, members can volunteer to further make an impact on at-risk children through our outreach programs.  

Need Inspiration?



Wednesday: 7:05p – 8:05p
Friday: 7:40p – 8:40p
Saturday: 10:55a – 11:55a
Sunday: 1:25p – 2:25p


Wednesday: 7:05p – 8:05p
Friday: 7:40p – 8:40p
Saturday: 10:55a – 11:55a
Sunday: 1:25p – 2:25p


Ages 4-8

Thursday: 4:55p – 5:45p
Friday: 4p – 4:50p
Saturday: 10a – 10:50a
Sunday: 12:30p – 1:20p

Ages 8-12

Thursday: 5:50p – 6:50p
Friday: 4:55p – 5:55p
Saturday: 10:55a – 11:55a
Sunday: 1:25p – 2:25p

Open Gym

Wednesday: 4:55p – 5:55p
Thursday: 3:50p – 4:50p
Friday: 8:40p – 9:40p
Saturday: 11:55a – 12:55p
